The Myth of “Busy”: How To Thrive When Everyone’s Plate Is Overloaded

<p>You check your email and find a message from your colleague, something along the lines of, &ldquo;Hey, can you take a look at this ASAP? It&rsquo;s a priority.&rdquo; Meanwhile, your manager swings by your desk (or virtual workspace) asking you to handle another &ldquo;urgent&rdquo; project. And let&rsquo;s not forget the five other hats you&rsquo;re already wearing at work, each taking up a not-so-small chunk of your time. Sound familiar?</p> <p>This is the modern workplace &mdash; a realm where everyone is perpetually busy, multitasking is the unofficial sixth love language, and the sheer volume of tasks threatens to eclipse our actual humanity.</p> <h1>The &ldquo;I&rsquo;m Busy, Too&rdquo; Dilemma</h1> <p>In today&rsquo;s work environment, stating, &ldquo;I have a lot on my plate,&rdquo; is about as effective as saying the sky is blue. The truth? Everyone&rsquo;s busy, and everyone believes their tasks are the most critical. The sentence, &ldquo;I need this done; it&rsquo;s a priority,&rdquo; has become the corporate equivalent of crying wolf.</p> <p>And in this cacophony of urgency, we&rsquo;ve started to treat each other like little more than task-completing robots. &ldquo;Hey Siri, can you file these reports?&rdquo; &ldquo;Alexa, draft the budget for the next quarter.&rdquo; Needless to say, we are human beings, not voice-activated digital assistants programmed to pivot from task to task without breaking a sweat &mdash; or a circuit.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>