Why Rock Bottom Is A Beautiful Place To Reside!

<p><em>Trust me, it is much more difficult to reach your goals when the comforts of the lifestyle you want to leave behind taunt you into giving up altogether.</em></p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*9i2cpzyXes-uOW1Ix8VVug.png" style="height:1050px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Credit: Sevil Yeva via Pexels</p> <p>I follow a beautiful young lady on social media who is a wife and mother. In the year and some change we interacted with each other&rsquo;s content I observed as she documented her journey in the world of self-employment through reels. A few months ago she started a beauty brand because of her love for skincare and then she admitted her heart wasn&rsquo;t in it. So she pivoted to launching an event planning business.</p> <p>Recently the housewife got online to share her age and how she is finally ready to grow up and take her visions and desires seriously, which would be manifested in the business she barely promoted. What tugged at my heart strings was how she bravely admitted that the comfortable lifestyle she lives, all thanks to her husband, has played a significant role in how neglectful she has been when it came to her personal goals outside of her family to build a thriving business, amongst other things.</p> <p>Her vulnerability made me reflect on the love-hate relationship many driven people like myself have with a zip code known as Rock Bottom. As human beings we do our best to avoid this location like the plague because it is a barren wasteland that is intentionally designed to be ugly, deserted, and void of resources, tools, and beauty that we must create from scratch. However, it is truly a land of possibility that we wouldn&rsquo;t recognize as special and worthwhile if life didn&rsquo;t send us there, despite our groaning and moaning about how we don&rsquo;t deserve to hit Rock Bottom in the first place.</p> <p><a href="https://thesannilark.medium.com/why-rock-bottom-is-a-beautiful-place-to-reside-eaf68dc419a7"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bottom Rock