How To Build An Effective Pitch Deck Without Asking For An NDA

<p>You&rsquo;re probably iterating on your pitch deck, if you&rsquo;re a health care entrepreneur. The pitch deck is your central tool to earn a meeting with investors or potential partners&ndash;so naturally, you want to make sure your startup&rsquo;s value comes across effectively. Accomplishing this might include key technical achievements, development strategies, or even intellectual property. When working with scientific or technical founders, one of the common first questions to investors is, &ldquo;Will you sign an NDA?&rdquo; If you&rsquo;ve asked this question, you have probably heard the polite, &ldquo;No.&rdquo; You might be asked instead for a &ldquo;noncon deck.&rdquo; So, why won&rsquo;t investors and the like sign NDAs and what is a noncon deck?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pitch Decks