Know This — Recovery From Opioid Addiction Is Not A Quick Thing

<p>When I was tapering off opioids, it was insanely hard.</p> <p>But I pushed through, thinking, when I finally get off these pills for good, everything will be alright again. Everything will be better. Life will go back to normal.</p> <p>And things did slowly start to improve, which was a relief, given that tapering off opioids was one of the hardest things anyone can do in life. Many try and fail, unable to deal with the intense emotional and physical issues that come from withdrawals.</p> <p>I varied from being an emotionless shell of a person to screaming, crying, and suffering panic attack after panic attack for the four months it took me to taper off Vicodin.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>