Pigeon coops and other things we left behind
<p>Every now and then you notice that times have changed. That you are living in a different generation than that of your parents, or teachers, or people that came before you. A different generation than the one you entered at birth. I noticed it when I realized that no one keeps pigeons anymore.</p>
<p>Pigeons in backyards, in homemade coops. People used to have pigeons. Not just farmers but everyday people. My grandparents had pigeons. I wonder why they did. The birds are messy. They need to be taken care of, and every now and then they get out. Sometimes, the dog gets to them which never ends with a happy ending.</p>
<p><a href="https://abevillarreal.medium.com/pigeon-coops-and-other-things-we-left-behind-9c3158120441"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>