Athens, Greece: The local-approved food spots for the picky traveler

<p>Having lived in Greece for a while during the pandemic, I was really able to explore central Athens and the wonderful restaurants it has to offer. As an Egyptian, I really enjoyed traveling through Greece, particularly eating incredible greek food and interacting with hospitable locals that will always try their best to speak to you in your language. The food, culture, and people hit very close to home and I was able to be more exposed to this the more I looked for&nbsp;<em>the popular but more local spots</em>.</p> <p>Unfortunately, as a tourist in a tourist area, you often find yourself paying&nbsp;<strong>more for less.&nbsp;</strong>Many restaurants in Monastiraki, Plaka, Thisseio and near Acropoli are overpriced for the type of food you receive. With SO MANY restaurants concentrated in a small central area, restaurant managers and waiters would stand at the entrance of the restaurant and urge passersby to enter their restaurant. These good &mdash; and sometimes very funny &mdash; salesmen would sometimes make it hard to pick the right places when strolling through central Athens.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: picky traveler