As a Physician, I Want You to Stop Your Medications

<p>This sort of exchange would always frustrate me, as the reasons for coming to see me are so preventable. The ER is completely flooded and here is a patient who could have stayed home by just taking medications as prescribed.</p> <p>Recently, as I&rsquo;ve stepped away from my daily grind in the ER and taken a broader view, I&rsquo;ve realized that these issues can be systemic, even though they appear individual. What are the barriers for this patient taking her medications? If she has a perfect understanding of the medication and her condition, then her lack of using the medicine is her fault. However, often the information flow to the patient is not perfect or even complete. Patients have to trust their doctors.&nbsp;However, with time constraints created by the medical system, the personal relationship with doctors has been tarnished.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Physician