Street Photography Part 1

<p>Covent Garden is a major tourist magnet centred around the old vegetable market. Some come for the collectable curios, the tourist tat or the street entertainers. A cultured few come for the opera house or historical architecture. Whatever the reason, they come in large numbers. The resulting confusion is here to see.</p> <p><img alt="Central St. Giles, London" src="*6GcksHx4IZdlCQ5S7TgdsQ.jpeg" style="height:471px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Central St. Giles</p> <p>You can&rsquo;t see the garish and discordant colours of the buildings but the lack of colour gives an enhanced appreciation of light, shade and texture. Such is the value of monochrome.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>