PHOTOGRAPH: This Spot Reserved for Mr. Bill Thacker

<p>T. Chick McClure&rsquo;s photograph, &ldquo;This Spot Reserved for Mr. Bill Thacker,&rdquo; captures a deeply personal and introspective moment in the life of Carolyn Thacker, who stood by her husband&rsquo;s side as he the combated ravages of Parkinson&rsquo;s disease and dementia for more than a decade.</p> <p>Through the lens of McClure&rsquo;s camera, we are invited into the couple&rsquo;s sanctuary, their bedroom, which has witnessed the ebb and flow of their lives since they moved into their home in Santa Monica, California, in the 1960s. Today, frozen in time, decor untouched, the room reverberates with Carolyn&rsquo;s memories and enduring love. A testament to the shared rememberings and the comforting constancy she sought to preserve.</p> <p>Soft illuminance of the blue light of approaching dusk filters through the vintage curtains that cast a contrasting sunniness upon an otherwise somber and tender scene. On the nightstand, a message inscribed on an ordinary tent card: &ldquo;This Spot Reserved for Mr. Bill Thacker.&rdquo; The words echo Carolyn&rsquo;s devotion to Bill and are a silent testament to the ongoing connection between their souls that defy logic, space, and time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>