Phoenician Clothing

<p>When it came to representations of mortal women, the Phoenician artisans exercised their artistry with utmost finesse. From the nape of the neck to the very soles of their feet, these female figures were enveloped in layers of sumptuous attire. Majestic robes, meticulously arranged in abundant folds, concealed their forms mysteriously, albeit magnificently. A singular robe, billowing out in luxurious dimensions, enshrouded the entire being beneath its cascading drapery. In some instances, a second garment embellished their frame, gracefully cascading from the left shoulder to the knees or lower. The waist, a focal point of feminine draw, was accentuated by a richly knotted girdle. Scant are the occasions when sandals encased their feet, ensuring both comfort and modesty.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>