No, Ghandy was not wrong on the Radical Feminists in Philosophical Trends

<p>Ihave often heard the claim that Anuradha Ghandy&rsquo;s critique of radical feminism should be rejected in part or whole because of apparent confusion on the position of radical feminists on pornography. Because today &ldquo;radical feminism&rdquo; has become synonymous with anti-pornography, contemporary readers of Ghandy&rsquo;s seminal work&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement</em></a>&nbsp;jump to the conclusion that Ghandy was confused when she criticized a faction of radical feminists for supporting pornography and prostitution.</p> <p>However, the confusion lies not in Ghandy&rsquo;s appraisal, which as I will show was actually correct, but in the lack of historical knowledge by commentators on the early pornography debates among radical feminists.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>