What if the Universe Is NOT Expanding?

<p>Philosopher Thomas Kuhn argued that science is &ldquo;a series of peaceful interludes punctuated by intellectually violent revolutions&rdquo; in which &ldquo;one conceptual world view is replaced by another.&rdquo; (<a href="https://amzn.to/3Sjs4ON" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>The Structure of Scientific Revolutions</em></a>, 1962) The longer-lasting, more tranquil periods of &ldquo;normal science&rdquo; are guided by a dominant paradigm. Astrophysics has been in such a peaceful interlude for decades with its belief that the universe is expanding. The expanding universe theory is a paradigm that guides how astrophysicists&rsquo; are thinking about the universe.</p> <p>As Kuhn stated further, eventually, phenomena will emerge that don&rsquo;t conform to the paradigm. Kuhn describes the process science then goes through. Initially, it dismisses such maverick data as &ldquo;anomalies&rdquo; or minor difficulties that science will eventually solve and fit into the paradigm. Science resists the idea that the prevailing theory and paradigm are false,</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/inserting-philosophy/what-if-the-universe-is-not-expanding-7a6d3d6a2d2e"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>