From Philosopher-Kings to Constitutions to Star Trek to Steer into the Skid: The problem of factions and a possible solution (or a very bad idea — you tell me)

<p>Madison described&nbsp;<em>factions</em>&nbsp;(translated by me into modern conversational English) as a group of citizens united and motivated by interests or passions adverse to the rights of other groups or the interests of the community. Even if you avoid the political musings of Eighteenth Century rich, white, enslaving men, Madison was right about the evils of factions, if not right about the cure.</p> <p>We&rsquo;re living under the tyranny of factions right now in the USA. We have Christian theocrats, racists, white supremacists, Nazis, neo-Nazis, fascists, capitalists, neo-liberals, big weapon, big gun, big insurance, big pharma, other big business, and small business that thinks it&rsquo;s big business but local. We have stans of one foreign government or another and stans of the pomp, pageantry, and fashion of foreign monarchs and celebrities. All these groups are free to align to create a superpower of mean and stupid.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>