The Stay-At-Home Girlfriend Phenomenon

<p>A morning filled with copious creams and rouges rubbed onto your cheeks. A workout class. A load of laundry. A hearty breakfast prepared for your partner, a simple coffee and fruit for yourself. All before a day consisting of folding clothes, going on a neighborhood walk, and cleaning an already sparkling house. And then you wake up and do it again. No, this wasn&rsquo;t meant to be a description of a traditional mid-twentieth-century American household. These are just a few standard images one might see in a&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Day in the Life of a Stay-At-Home Girlfriend&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;video on TikTok. Yes &mdash; not &ldquo;stay-at-home mom&rdquo; &mdash; you read that right<em>.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>