Phallic Shadow

<p>Have you ever been stoned 20 stories high, overlooking Amsterdam, afraid to move away from the concrete pillar that you think is the only thing keeping you falling through the glass, to your death and the last thing you&rsquo;d see is a penis from the shadow of the lookout you are now plummeting from? Laughing like the jackass you are because instead of waiting for the brownie to kick in, you just had to get another one. Sex shops, bars, fanta, cat boats and cheeses: yet you couldn&rsquo;t have enough patience or restraint to just have one brownie?</p> <p>Walking through Amsterdam as the buzz begins. Feeling good. Feeling cool. Your buddy by your side already mellow and enjoying the buzz. The soundscape of tourists fading away as your head becomes its own island of serenity in a city with a population that averages around 821,000. Only having to listen to for the voice of your friend. Insecurities disappearing as you realize almost no one cares or knows who the fuck you are in this crowd.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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