Grooming On The Go: A Trail Of Puppy Perfection Left In The Wake Of Miami Portable Pet Groomers
<p>I have been a dedicated Doggo Daddy my whole life — from the time I was a wee little boy, and the family dog was my guardian, to now, as an old man, with a fuzzy best friend growing old beside me.</p>
<p>In all that time, I’ve always understood that it was my job to take care of my furry roommates, just as they take care of me.</p>
<p>I provide the food, roof, scratches, and grooming, while they offer a lifetime of friendship, loyalty, and love.</p>
<p>It’s a good deal, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy — and it’s only gotten harder in recent years, between my age, the pandemic, and just life generally getting in the way.</p>
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