Steve Jobs’ 30% Rule, The Formula for Personal Innovation

<p>The 30% Rule, an innovative philosophy based on foreseeing and anticipating needs and desires before they become apparent, has significantly impacted my life.</p> <p>Reading and writing have become part of my routine, which has enhanced my personal growth.</p> <p>Steve Jobs was co-founder of Apple Inc., and his best products, iPhone and iPad, have changed our lives.</p> <p>Behind these products hides a rule, no less known but deeply impactful: the 30% rule.</p> <h1>What is the 30% rule?</h1> <p>The 30% rule means that people only know what they want once you or someone else shows it to them. Jobs were straightforward, and consumers could not express their desires effectively if asked directly.</p> <p>It wasn&rsquo;t simply about listening to what customers said they wanted and satisfying those wants, but about anticipating what customers would need before they realized it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>