My Story to Self-Acceptance as a Sissy: Insights and Lessons for Personal Growth
<p>Sexuality plays a significant role in our lives. We feel attracted to people, but it’s equally important to understand who we are. This post isn’t about gender issues or identities, but rather about discovering oneself. Because only when we understand ourselves can we work on improving and feel a burden lifted off our shoulders.</p>
<p>Throughout my life, I struggled with not being a “real” man. I admired the wonderful things my female colleagues, friends, and acquaintances had: beautiful dresses, marvelous shoes, makeup, nail polish, sexy lingerie, and much more. I couldn’t handle it and thought I might be gay, but the idea of kissing a man was disturbing, though the thought of his anatomy appealed to me. I suppressed these feelings for years, unwilling to acknowledge them.</p>
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