This Is Not A Personal Finance Column, Part 4

<p>Something we have long-established in this corner of the internet is a simple idea:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">I&rsquo;m really bad with money</a>. Longtime, non-judgmental followers know that I will wait six years to cancel a Planet Fitness membership solely because I don&rsquo;t want to go to Union Square and do it, or will get on the phone with the I<a href="" rel="noopener">RA advisor for my bank</a>&nbsp;to ask him &ldquo;what&rsquo;s an IRA?&rdquo; I&rsquo;m often embarrassed by how little I understand about personal finance, but I do want to get better and create some degree of financial sustainability for myself that I didn&rsquo;t have growing up. That&rsquo;s why I now annually audit my recurring subscriptions and have an IRA and an accountant who is nice and easy to work with and explains things to be like the financially anxious simpleton that I am.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>