The Power of Perseverance

<p>I was born in Russia but moved to Israel with my family in 1993. In Russia, my family was considered as middle class. Both my parents were engineers and my grandma was a known math teacher and retired school director. Things were quite different when we moved to Israel. We ended up in a low economic class. My parents worked wherever they could without understanding Hebrew or English, working tirelessly to take care of me and my grandparents. Immigrating to Israel was a change not only in lifestyle but also a change in mindset. As a family in a completely new country, we learned to have the confidence to try things and not be afraid of failures, learning that there are many reasons for success. This was different than the mindset we were surrounded within Russia, which was always hearing that success is very difficult to obtain or out of reach. Adopting the Israeli approach helped me navigate my life in circumstances where I would&rsquo;ve just accepted failure as the final result.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Perseverance