Anthropology & User Experience: Why Anthropologists are perfectly trained for a profession they’ve never heard of.

<p>Anthropology as a discipline is incredibly varied, and runs the gamut of subfields that cover every aspect of what it means to be human; Archaeology, Linguistics, Biological Anthropology and Socio-cultural Anthropology &mdash; All of these fall within the header of &ldquo;Anthropologist&rdquo;. The word itself invokes a variety of mental images. While some might picture an Indiana Jones-like character cracking a whip and escaping pre-Miley Cyrus riding wrecking balls, others see a grizzled scholar, poring over books from an armchair settled next to a fire. Those that might know more about the discipline might envision an anthropologist observing the rituals and culture of a tribe in Papua New Guinea, or exploring the social rites of passage of college fraternities. Most, I would assume, would never use the term &lsquo;user experience&rsquo; in conjunction with Anthropology &mdash; Which is unfortunate, as much of the theory and practices of Anthropological teaching align perfectly with those of UX.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>