Hiking the High Peak District

<p>At Winnats Pass, hikers were silhouetted on the top of craggy peaks against the brightness of the sky. Hundreds of them. They&rsquo;re called walkers in this area. Anyone with suitable footwear can &ldquo;walk &ldquo; to the top of these &ldquo;hills&rdquo;. Even guys with babies on their back!</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1843/0*BhH2QCNDAHj_s5L0" style="height:2048px; width:2048px" /></p> <p>Views forever Wendy&rsquo;s photo</p> <p>Winnats Pass is a gap through a fossilised reef, and the limestone rises on either side in towers and ridges, perfect for climbers and&nbsp;<em>scramblers.</em>&nbsp;The name derives from &ldquo;Winds Gates&rdquo; as the wind swirls through the pass like a gate has been opened.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/globetrotters/hiking-the-high-peak-district-590a5b3ef445"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Peak District