The U.S. Government Isn’t Paying For Paxlovid Anymore.

<p>I had lunch a week ago, December 11, with one of my best friends. We were both vaccinated with the new Covid vaccine in October.</p> <p>At the end of the lunch, she received a text that someone in the local ukulele orchestra,* of which she is a major part, had tested positive for Covid after their big Christmas concert over the weekend. She found out that evening at rehearsal that it was someone she saw briefly, so she wasn&rsquo;t concerned. However, five days later, this past Saturday, she tested positive. She was pretty sure it was from an exposure after she saw me. Perhaps it was at that rehearsal, as a person who stood next to her that evening came down with it two days later, as did that woman&rsquo;s boyfriend. I have, so far, tested negative.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>