Why do we still pay parking fees on road?

<p>Last weekend my friend was given a fine of 80 euros for forgetting to pay the parking ticket of 3 euros. It made me think of several things such as how is the fine amount justified, does it change behavior and in general how can we improve things.</p> <p>The fines given out in the Netherlands are often huge. They can easily make someone struggle financially, especially during times like this when the gas prices are high and inflation is at an all time high. For instance, recently home owners were given huge penalties in the order of thousands of euros for renting their homes out. After an outcry, the government is thinking of a warning penalty.</p> <p>The penalty given out does not consider the good behavior of the user so far. Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes they are not intentional. Punishing them without considering how the person acted in the past, would only punish the good people. If the ability of vigilance is low, then the belief is that offering a huge penalty would decrease such a behavior and increase mindfulness in the future.</p> <p><a href="https://bhargav-sarvepalli.medium.com/why-do-we-still-pay-parking-fees-on-road-1f140c10de3"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pay Parking