Patch 1.4: The Spider Tanks Arena Upgraded

<p>The time has come again for improvements, balances, and other general awesomeness to come to the arena! This patch is already live, and you can find all the details about it below!</p> <h1>Drop Pods v2</h1> <p>Drop Pods are better than ever now, with added options for Captains that will help add up to a smoother experience for Pilots.</p> <p>Captains may now &ldquo;redeploy&rdquo; one or all Drop Pods using the previous build in the Drop Pod. For owners of multiple Drop Pods and those that work with long-term Pilots, we hope this is a welcome quality of life addition!</p> <p><img alt="" src="*bot7KQ7VmJKUH3ux" style="height:394px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Captains will also now notice an &ldquo;Unpack&rdquo; or &ldquo;Unpack All&rdquo; option available to them. From now on, when a Pilot is done with your Tank it will now stay in the Drop Pod until unpacked after it is returned to you. This will allow Captains a chance to view their Pilot&rsquo;s progress from the previous day if they want before collecting their Tank parts.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*3Nt-SNxe3PJ8xA6ZuvMr9w.gif" style="height:338px; width:600px" /></p> <p>Deployed Drop Pods now have an &ldquo;Unlock&rdquo; option, which will instantly return the contained Tank to you from the Pilot it has been sent to. This option will carry an Arachnium cost, but will be free for the first 10 minutes of deployment, just in case you make a mistake.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Spider Tanks