Passport Bros Being Given a Taste of Their Own Medicine Is The Best Thing Ever

<p>Middle aged white men have full ownership and monopoly of an industry which entails going around the world to have sex with underaged, submissive and poorer girls, with zero accountability and responsibility.</p> <p>And when we broaden the remit a little bit, we find that a fair number of white blokes &mdash;young, middle aged or old &mdash;engage in a huge amount of sex tourism around the world.</p> <p>It is impossible to go to holiday destinations in Jamaica, Haiti, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Gambia and much closer to home &mdash;Amsterdam, the Netherlands &mdash; without bumping into these chaps who are seeking a bit of action with the ladies.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Passport Bross