Three Passes Trek Nepal Day 8: Chukhung — Island Peak Base Camp

<p>Over time, it seems I am getting used to the poor nights &mdash; multiple awakenings, headaches, difficulty falling back asleep, and a chilly nose. After such bad nights, I try to approach the day more comfortably and not stress myself out. Whether I am an hour faster or slower doesn&rsquo;t matter to me here, fortunately. The sports watch is running, but only the weather influences my pace. Let&rsquo;s see if I can take this calmness back home.</p> <p>The night brought fresh snow, and I wake up in the freshly snow-covered Chukhung. Like in Namche Bazaar and Dingboche, I stay here for two nights as well. So, today marks another acclimatization day. I would like to go to the Island Peak Base Camp. Since it&rsquo;s no longer snowing but still heavily overcast, I sit in the common room at 8:00 AM and start walking after having porridge for breakfast at 10:00 AM.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: trek Nepal