What Happened to the Man on the Train?

<p>A<strong>bout six months ago, I managed to put into words</strong>&nbsp;a kind of exchange that I was on the periphery of yet impacted me significantly.</p> <p>I say&nbsp;<em>kind of exchange</em>&nbsp;because it wasn&rsquo;t directly between me and the man standing beside me on a crowded train, because he was talking to himself. He may or may not have been aware of my existence, but either way, it didn&rsquo;t seem to have any bearing on the conversation he was having.</p> <p>He was in his own world. But the world he inhabited was very different from the one that the majority of the other passengers existed in.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/ellemeno/what-happened-to-the-man-on-the-train-f427ce6289d6"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>