Participation in Urban Development: A New Perspective

<p>Projections indicate that over 70% of the world&rsquo;s population will inhabit cities by 2050*, intensifying the demand for housing and infrastructure. The Netherlands exemplifies this trend, where the housing shortage is expected to rise to 415,000 homes** by the end of 2024. This trend is not just a temporary surge but is projected to continue at least until 2028***, highlighting the urgency for innovative solutions in urban development.</p> <p>Similar trends can be observed in Berlin and Barcelona, where the influx of residents in recent years has led to rising rental prices and a shortage of affordable housing, prompting the city to consider various measures, such as rent controls.<strong>&nbsp;</strong>In addition, as climate change poses new challenges for cities globally, including increased rainfall, there is a pressing need for adaptive and absorbent infrastructure to manage these impacts effectively.[Fig. 1]</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>