What Is a Woman? (a response)

<p>Almost every single word in the dictionary has multiple (sometimes well over a dozen) definitions. We intuitively understand that words can have different meanings or evoke different ideas depending on the context. In a genetics class, if I talked about a woman, you might think of XX chromosomes; in a discussion about women&rsquo;s reproductive health, you might think about ovaries, uteri, and vaginas. But if I mentioned having a conversation with a woman that I know from work or ran into at the store, you wouldn&rsquo;t think at all about her chromosomes or reproductive organs (unless, of course, you were some kind of creep). Rather, you&rsquo;d realize that I&rsquo;m talking about women as a social class: people who move through the world as women and are interpreted and treated (and sometimes mistreated) as such.</p> <p><a href="https://juliaserano.medium.com/what-is-a-woman-a-response-8f91aaf3a971"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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