Thirty Days in Thailand: Part One

<p>This is a series of stories describing my 30 days in Thailand. Located in southeast Asia, this was referred to as Siam until 1938, and is where the term Siamese, along with the breed of cats, originates. A gorgeous country rich in history and culture, it is worth a visit for anyone able to come.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve made three trips here this year, and will make another before the year ends. I seldom open up about my personal life in these essays, but this story requires it. My fiance is here in the Land of Smiles, along with a big chunk of my heart. I hope one day to move here permanently and am working toward that goal. When you read this, you help and contribute to this goal, and become in a sense part of this story. Welcome aboard, and I hope these essays will broaden your understanding of other cultures and places in the world.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Thailand Days