San Francisco Telegraph Hill Wild Parrots & Niki

<p>The movie is about a flock of parrots that mysteriously settle in San Francisco and change the life of a homeless man.</p> <p>How the birds ended up in San Francisco is a story in itself; according to one rumor, someone who was tired of taking care of these birds set them free, and it is not hard to understand that taking care of these birds is not just like that, it is a lot of work. Another rumor is that a container brought from South America for a pet store fell off the ship and broke, and that&rsquo;s how a group of birds escaped. Another story is that during a fire in a pet store, these animals were released from their cages to save them from burning. Somehow these birds of South American origin got free and started to live freely in San Francisco. The story became popular because it describes San Francisco very well. San Francisco prides itself on being a city where all kinds of people from all over the world can find a group and live together. Or at least it once was.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Parrots Niki