Parkinson’s Law: The Hidden Truth About Time Management

<p>Does time ever feel paradoxical in nature to you? Sometimes when I&rsquo;m doing something I hate, it feels like the clock has stopped moving. Sitting and watching 1 min count down as I microwave my coffee feels like an eternity. Other times, when I&rsquo;m having a fun day, or on Sunday evenings when I&rsquo;m cherishing my free time, time seems to fly by like one of those time-lapse montages in movies.</p> <p>No matter how meticulously we plan our days, it seems like there&rsquo;s not enough time to accomplish everything we want. One of the reasons is Parkinson&rsquo;s Law. Let&rsquo;s take a look at what Parkinson&rsquo;s Law definition, how it affects our work lives (and personal lives), and how we can hack it to increase our productivity.</p> <h2>What is Parkinson&rsquo;s Law?</h2> <p>Parkinson&rsquo;s Law, states,</p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;Work complicates to fill the available time.&rdquo;</p> </blockquote> <p>In other words, if you have 1 month to get a project done, you&rsquo;ll get it done just in time, if you have 5 hours to get a project done&hellip; you&rsquo;ll still get it done just in time. How can this be? I think there are two reasons,</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>