Hotline Parking Bling

<p>The first consideration is the financial impact that parking in the bike lane can have. For the individual who leaves their giant pile of metal and plastic in the middle of a transport corridor, their $170 fine could have been spent on a new Supercycle from Canadian Tire, or on a nice meal with their partner. Unfortunately, compared to the $12,000 on average that car owners annually spend to own, insure, and maintain their cars, $170 is merely an insignificant drop in the bucket of car expenses. However, the fact remains that a car blocking a bike lane, causing cyclists to deviate from their protected path and are forced into traffic. This greatly increases their risk of injury and death. To be entirely brutal and economic, a cyclist who is forced out of the bike path and struck by a driver results in tremendous costs given that Canada has government funded public health care. If a cyclist needs a trip in an ambulance to an emergency room, taxpayers foot the bill. If the cyclist is killed by a driver, then their family is left with a bill of thousands of dollars for a funeral,&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Tags: Parking Bling