I Watched ‘Paris, Texas’ For The Fashion. It Made Me Cry Instead.

<p>There is a special place in the history of film for&nbsp;<em>Paris, Texas,</em>&nbsp;directed by Wim Wenders and written by L.M. Kit Carson. Not just for its layered storyline but for the beautiful cinematography and pointed fashion sense. Without saying a word, it leads you in the right direction for the 3-hour film. I wanted to watch the film originally for its fashion after being mesmerized by the characters Jane Henderson and Travis Henderson on my Pinterest board. The film unexpectedly made me cry instead.</p> <p><em>Paris, Texas</em>&nbsp;is filled with mixed reviews online. The film debuting in 1984, features a man, Travis, who has been missing for four years, resurfacing to find his life completely changed. The mixed reviews come from how long the movie is, filled with 3 hours of slow build-up and dialogue, the suspense is held so far away from your viewing that when it finally arrives, you are sadly surprised. It isn&rsquo;t just the layered storyline that hits a home run but, the fashion strategically placed throughout.</p> <p><a href="https://jessiedumont.medium.com/i-watched-paris-texas-for-the-fashion-it-made-me-cry-instead-df63663c08ed"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Paris Texas