The long view on Paris real estate prices

<p>Are you unsure about where real estate values are heading in Paris? Wondering whether you should invest now or later? Here&rsquo;s the quick answer: expect today&rsquo;s prices in Paris to drop by 9% by the end of 2024. And when&rsquo;s the best time to buy? On the downward slide.</p> <p><em>Woosh!</em></p> <p>Well now, that&rsquo;s some claim! What kind of credibility do I have to make it?</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s be honest: you are happy to have an answer, even though you doubt its credibility. I have no expert credentials to make it, but neither did I pull it out of a hat. So allow me at least the chance to expound.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Paris Real