Paris: Nostalgia, Food and a Sense of Belonging

<p>I&rsquo;d wanted to return to Paris for a while, and after covid and having a baby, now felt like the right time. Plus, it was my mum&rsquo;s 60th birthday year, so what better way to spoil her than a 3-day trip to French foodie paradise.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*YaJfZJ6X-OXteeiqsGoAlg.jpeg" style="height:934px; width:700px" /></p> <p>The Eiffel Tower in all its glory</p> <p>But first thing&rsquo;s first, here&rsquo;s my disclaimer. As a child, I lived in France. At the age of 6, my dad&rsquo;s work moved us to the small town of Montb&eacute;liard. For just over 18 months I lived there, went to school there and spoke the language, often translating for my mum (full disclosure, I can just about ask for a croissant nowadays).</p> <p><strong>Website</strong></p>