Who lives well in Paraguay?

<p><em>Winter.&nbsp;</em>From June 22nd to September 21st. Rare rainfall. Average daily temperature is around +25&deg;C during the day and 14&deg;C at night. The harshest temperatures and precipitation occur in August. Paraguayans are so afraid of the cold in August that they have come up with a special tradition of drinking a strong alcoholic beverage made from various herbs early in the morning on the first days of August to avoid getting sick for the following month. This tradition is called &ldquo;D&iacute;a Carrulim&rdquo; (Carrulim Day). In August, temperatures during the day can reach +12&ndash;14&deg;C with strong winds and heavy rainfall with hail the size of quail eggs, while at night the temperature can drop to +3&deg;C. Considering that houses don&rsquo;t have heating, air conditioners and heaters work at full capacity during these days.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@smartparaguay2022/who-lives-well-in-paraguay-26af7abab1f0"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Paraguay Well