Pandas 2.0: A Game-Changer for Data Scientists?

<p><strong>Due to its extensive functionality and versatility,&nbsp;</strong><code>pandas</code><strong>&nbsp;has secured a place in every data scientist&rsquo;s heart.</strong></p> <p>From data input/output to data cleaning and transformation, it&rsquo;s nearly impossible to think about data manipulation without&nbsp;<code>import pandas as pd</code>,&nbsp;<em>right</em>?</p> <p><em>Now, bear with me:</em>&nbsp;with such a buzz around LLMs over the past months, I have somehow let slide the fact that&nbsp;<code>pandas</code>&nbsp;has just undergone a major release! Yep,&nbsp;<code>pandas 2.0</code>&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">is out and came with guns blazing</a>!</p> <p>Although I wasn&rsquo;t aware of all the hype, the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Data-Centric AI Community&nbsp;</a>promptly came to the rescue:</p> <p><img alt="" src="*FupguULZd5TceCbWPPq9lg.png" style="width:700px" /></p> <p>The 2.0 release seems to have created quite an impact in the data science community, with a lot of users praising the modifications added in the new version. Screenshot by Author.</p> <p><strong>Fun fact:</strong>&nbsp;<em>Were you aware this release was in the making for an astonishing 3 years? Now that&rsquo;s what I call &ldquo;commitment to the community&rdquo;!</em></p> <p><em>So what does&nbsp;</em><code><em>pandas 2.0</em></code><em>&nbsp;bring to the table? Let&rsquo;s dive right into it!</em></p> <h1>1. Performance, Speed, and Memory-Efficiency</h1> <p>As we all know,&nbsp;<code>pandas</code>&nbsp;was built using&nbsp;<code>numpy</code>, which was&nbsp;not intentionally designed as a backend&nbsp;for dataframe libraries. For that reason, one of the major limitations of&nbsp;<code>pandas</code>&nbsp;was handling in-memory processing for larger datasets.</p> <p><strong>In this release, the big change comes from the introduction of the&nbsp;Apache Arrow&nbsp;backend for pandas data.</strong></p> <p>Essentially, Arrow is a standardized in-memory columnar data format with available libraries for several programming languages (C, C++, R, Python, among others). For Python there is&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">PyArrow</a>, which is based on the C++ implementation of Arrow, and therefore,&nbsp;<em>fast</em>!</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>