Pan-Afrikan Parenting: R/evolution Is Love

<p>Parenting is tough &mdash; but being an Afrikan parent inside of empire? Sheesh. It&rsquo;s a full time job just trying to keep our babies away from the constant kkkapitalist propaganda that seems to be EVERYWHERE. And honestly, as much as I want to believe I always resist it, I don&rsquo;t. I always wanna buy my daughters Jordan&rsquo;s, or some jewelry. My boys are getting into(also read as stealing mine) shoes and clothes, and I remember going through these phases myself. And I remember my daddy trying his best to steer me away from kkkapitalism; wearing the same few pair of Levi&rsquo;s for damn near my whole life, I remember how he taught me the need to take care of my things to make them last. But as a kid I just remember feeling like I didn&rsquo;t have enough. I remember one birthday in high school my pops gifted me a graphing calculator that I needed for school because that was the only time he could afford it.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pan Afrikan