24 Hours in Edinburgh

<p>In contrast to my hometown of Glasgow which, said with total affection of course, can slightly give off a post-soviet energy, Edinburgh certainly&nbsp;<em>looks&nbsp;</em>like a capital city, as far as surface appearances go. Not only does it house Scotland&rsquo;s arguably most important cultural site, Edinburgh Castle, but it&rsquo;s unexpectedly a major financial epicentre; unexpectedly because it doesn&rsquo;t feel like it at all. In a lot of ways, Edinburgh is more&nbsp;<em>small town</em>&nbsp;than big city. It&rsquo;s important to note though, that this charming city of old is very clearly becoming one of the world&rsquo;s major melting pots &mdash; attracting students &amp; professionals from all corners of the world. Apparent in the recent addition of certain world-famous brands like The W Hotel to their roster of&nbsp;<em>places to be</em>. So, in the ever wise words of Miss Molly-Mae, we all have the same 24 hours&mdash; and so this is how I&rsquo;d spend mine in the city of Edinburgh.</p> <p><a href="https://bimbleapp.medium.com/24-hours-in-edinburgh-f775027974f8"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Edinburgh