Zionist Appropriation of Indigeneity: The Case for Assyrian-Palestinian Solidarity

<p>In 1915, running from genocide, my great-grandparents Noina and Abraham abruptly left Urmia, Iran. Some know this as the Armenian genocide but Assyrians too were killed in mass, and they call it the Seyfo. My great-grandmother, 22, my age, was separated from her parents and never saw them again. Rumor has it her mother made it to Chicago. Aside from names, we know nothing of my great-grandfather&rsquo;s family. Escaping to the Russian Empire, Istanbul, and then eventually settling in France where they had my grandfather, my family would never see their homeland again. After immigrating to America post World War II my grandfather kept his Assyrian heritage quiet. Today my grandfather and his siblings are long gone and with their passing our roots would&rsquo;ve likely been lost by my generation had I not decided to dig our history up for a documentary I was making.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@olinm2001/zionist-appropriation-of-indigeneity-the-case-for-assyrian-palestinian-solidarity-a79e0fe0e5e4"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>