Painting the walls to create and not to express hate

<p>On the one hand, graffiti is usually made by anonymous artists, who do not receive money in exchange for doing it, and who do it illegally, without agreeing with anyone. On the other hand, murals are made by artists, generally commissioned by the owners of the buildings in which they paint.</p> <p>Taking this into account, while anyone can make graffiti with the message they want, a mural is a more special work, which can enrich the culture of a place and serve as a form of expression. For this reason, there are many cities that use this as a tourist reclaim, promoting it as art and not as an act of vandalism.</p> <p>A good example of this we can see in Belgium, a country which is well known for its street art, even in its most important cities, such as the capital (Brussels) or others like Gent or Hasselt. But what makes some places see urban art as something positive and others as something to avoid?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Painting walls