Painless WebGPU Programming With taichi.js

<p>As a computer graphics and programming languages geek, I am delighted to have found myself working on several GPU compilers in the past two years.</p> <p>This began in 2021 when I started to contribute to&nbsp;<code>taichi</code>, a Python library that compiles Python functions into GPU kernels in CUDA, Metal, or Vulkan. Later on, I joined Meta and started working on&nbsp;<code>SparkSL</code>, which is the shader language that powers cross-platform GPU programming for AR effects on Instagram and Facebook.</p> <p>Aside from personal pleasure, I have always believed, or at least hoped, that these frameworks were quite useful. They make GPU programming more accessible to non-experts, empowering people to create fascinating graphics content without having to master complex GPU concepts.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Programming