Day 2“Game development and drawing after overtime work”

<p>I finished my work at 8 p.m. because I worked overtime today</p> <p>So I arrived home around 9:30 today<br /> I started studying at about ten o&rsquo;clock after dinner</p> <p>I have my own goal to create the creation I want It&rsquo;s a little bit of steady every day and a little bit of practice every day</p> <p>There will be moments when you want to give up one day, but I believe this action I&rsquo;m doing can inspire and inspire someone</p> <p>The content of today&rsquo;s development journal is about the &ldquo;class&rdquo; which is the basic concept of c#</p> <p>Class and instance are always together in c# code.</p> <p>If class is a design, instance is a realization based on the design</p> <p>The class and instance are all made up of objects</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>