Relief for Overloaded Lives

<p>In his book,&nbsp;<strong>Margin, Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives,</strong>&nbsp;Richard A. Swenson, M.D. speaks to all who are caught up in today&rsquo;s fast pace culture. Many people seem to be driven to jam pack their lives with as much action and activity as they can experience. We are bombarded with slogans like &ldquo;You only go around once in life&rdquo;, and &ldquo;Go for the gusto.&rdquo; Making the most of every minute seems to be a prominent value in today&rsquo;s corporate culture and in our lives outside of work. The idea of rest has become a theoretical concept. Why has this happened and what can we do to counter what Dr. Swenson believes is the greatest pathogen in today&rsquo;s society and the greatest saboteur of true contentment?</p> <p><img alt="" src="*7FKbWtNpNJsf2u7xBrp8ig.png" style="height:54px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Swenson believes this great human pathogen is &ldquo;Marginless Living.&rdquo; He defines Margin as the space between your load and your limits and he looks at it not only in the time dimension of our lives, but also in the physical, financial and emotional arenas. As finite beings we all have a limited capacity for doing things. Today&rsquo;s society pushes us to commit ourselves at near 100% capacity utilization. We strive to get more done with less and do it faster than ever before. After all that&rsquo;s progress, right?</p> <p>Do you have margin in your life? If we carefully plan, commit, and schedule every minute of every day we can become very time efficient and very productive. However, if something unforeseen comes up, we quickly move into margin deficit status or overload.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>