Path to achieve the goal of overcoming tension

<p>Noone escapes tests&nbsp;of faith. But during times when tension runs high, the Quran and Sunnah reveal profound teachings equipping believers to find peace and purpose amid external chaos. By internalizing Allah&rsquo;s promises and adhering to righteous conduct, Muslims can overcome inner agitation triggered by financial distress, conflict, health issues, or other earthly troubles. This article details Islamic guidance on alleviating tension to attain tranquility.</p> <h2>Understanding Tension&rsquo;s Roots and Allah&rsquo;s Reassurance</h2> <p>Allah reminds us that hardship exists to test devotion and build spiritual muscles to persevere&nbsp;<strong>(Quran 2:155)</strong>. Yet when confronted by tense situations like job loss or grief, even devout Muslims risk wavering faith and compounding distress through excessive worrying. According to scholars, this anguish often indicates forgetting Allah&rsquo;s reassuring words.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>