Surviving the Great Social Media Outage of 2024

<p>This morning, I found myself locked out of Facebook Messenger, unable to log back in no matter how many times I tried. As frustration set in, I realized I wasn&rsquo;t alone. A quick text to my sister confirmed it &mdash; 500,000 others globally were also without their Facebook and Instagram fix.</p> <p>For a moment, I felt lost. My work, like many others, is heavily reliant on social media and messaging apps. But instead of dwelling on the inconvenience, I decided to do what writers often do in moments of chaos &mdash; I started writing. As I typed away, I couldn&rsquo;t help but think back to simpler times before the era of constant connectivity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Outage 2024