Let’s Find Beauty in Our Uniqueness

<p>There are no two people alike, and that&rsquo;s the beauty of humanity.</p> <p>But yes, a body is a mirror image. Much has been commented on and criticized&mdash;not only by others but also by ourselves.</p> <p>I, for one, especially when I was younger, needed a lot of practice to love my body, the scar on my knee, or the way I looked in a dress.</p> <p>It took me a lot of time to love my body and not look for flaws or compare it to other bodies or to various standards it doesn&rsquo;t fit into. I was too thin, too shy, too slow, and too awkward.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-shortform/lets-find-beauty-in-our-uniqueness-1203917b106a"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Uniqueness