Ossium Health: Streamlining Stem Cell Therapies
<p>Ossium’ strategy to develop advanced stem cell therapies is driven by extensive access to donor bone marrow. According to Ossium, <strong>the company has secured exclusive access to 47% of the bone marrow from deceased donors in the U.S., with a path to reach 85% by 2026.</strong></p>
<p>Ossium has used its donor bank to address constraints of stem cell therapies across all stages of the supply chain. The company’s IP covers high-quality cell recovery from deceased donors, cryogenic preservation, high-yield thaw, and ultimately, directed use across multiple diseases.</p>
<p><a href="https://alumniventuresgroup.medium.com/ossium-health-streamlining-stem-cell-therapies-e8e6ae756e1f"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>